Day 4 - Formatting
Vertical formatting
File size = class size
Small files are usually easier to understand than large files
Newspaper metaphor:
You read the newspaper vertically. At the top you expect a headline that tell you what the story is about and allows you to decide whether it is something you want to read. The topmost parts should provide high-level concepts and algorithms. Details should increase as we move downward
Each group of lines represents a complete thought. Those thoughts should be separated from each other with blank lines
Lines of code that are tightly related should appear vertically dense, without having to move my head or eyes much
Concepts that are closely related should be kept vertically close to each other.
Closely related concepts should not be separated into different files unless you have a very good reason. Indeed, this is one of the reasons that protected variables should be avoided (use get/set instead!)
Variable declarations should be as close to their usage as possible. Because our functions are very short, local variables should appear at the top of each function
Instance variables should be declared at the top of the class (or at the bottom: C++)
Dependent functions: if one function calls another, they should be vertically close, and the caller should be above the callee, if at all possible. This gives the program a natural flow
Conceptual affinity: certain bits of code want to be near other bits. They have a certain conceptual affinity. The stronger that affinity, the less vertical distance there should be between them